let’s try marsedit for a change

Posted in Geekfest on April 20th, 2008 by juan

It’s hard to decide between ecto and marsedit. So I’m going to try marsedit for a little bit and see if it does better.

Note that Ecto is in late beta for version 3 which is complete rewrite. That means more fun for me while I try both of them out.

Have to tell you that so far, marsedit 2.1.2 seems a little bit easier to use and has a better preview mode.


ok – back to ecto and some really nerdy cool wii+mac stuff

Posted in Fanboy, Geekfest, OOTT on April 11th, 2008 by juan

Turns out that the Wiimote can be connected to the Mac via bluetooth. Apparently, there’s a ton of cool things you can do with this, including control all of the functions on your mac. You can use DarwiinRemote to pair the mote and nunchuck up. With it you can control VLC and most other media programs. Pair it up with RemoteBuddy and just about anything is possible.

If that’s not cool enough, some people have paired it up with some seriously cool audio processing tools (KymaX) with OSCulator. I’m in nerdery heaven. Check out this video:

That’s cool, but this stuff on the PC is even better. Someone – please port Johnny Lee’s stuff over:

A cool thing or two

Posted in Geekfest on April 11th, 2008 by juan

A few different places have been raving about Flock. It’s a web browser + rss reader + email reader + flickr/facebook/youtube/del.icio.us, and web blogger interface all in one. Not convinced that this is my thing, but worth a try. Posting thing post from there.

Also while I’m at it, check this out: Max from sbooth.org. Cool little util to transmorgrify your audio from one format to another.

Blogged with the Flock Browser
