on ecto and posting

Posted in Uncategorized on February 19th, 2006 by juan

Turns out that Marsedit is cool, but it doesn’t have such a good formatting tool bar for an HTML rookie like me. So, while trying to bolster my knowledge of HTML via BBEdit I ran into ecto. This tool has both Mac and windows versions, costs less and seems to have a richer set of tools for editing documents.

So, this is a test with it. And here’s a nice pic:

GT vs UConn 059

Let’s see how this all works out.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 11th, 2006 by juan

SO, this is my list of those things. Those things that make your life, go huh?, wow!, or even sh*t!

I might even include some storries or thoughts on other things.

Remember that these are my thoughts and my things, not those of anyone else.